It was an evening tym and a man was walking home with his son
              They were crossing d street when his wallet dropped. While he stopped to pick it,his little boy ran across d street
A car dat was coming knocked d little boy down but instead of stopping d driver speed off. The father stood dia shouting at d driver and screaming at him to stop and strangely when dat failed he started chasing after d car. He stopped a motorbike and got on it knowing d car would stop by all means at d police barrier which was ahead. He urged d motorcycle rider to speed up and to catch up with d car
         Truly dey met up with d driver at d police barrier,wia d driver had stopped and gone into d small office to report himself. The father came into d office and immediately held d driver by neck and started slapping him before d police could hold him. The driver was just pleading and saying he was sorry and dat he did not see d little boy and he was afraid dat people around may Lynch him and dat is y he had sped off to d police
  The police ask d father where d little boy was and d Father told dem dat he was at d accident Site. The police asked if d little boy had died instantly and d father said he did not know. The police were shocked dat d father had thought it was more important to catch a culprit than 2 see d life of d son. They got back in d driver's car and drove off to d accident site but d boy was not dia.
          Some people around there said a car had picked up d boy and sent him towards d hospital. At d hospital d doctor examined d little boy and did all dey could but at d end dey declared dat had boy been brought a little earlier he could have lived
    The question dat goes through my mind is : " WHO KILLED D LITTLE BOY" ? 
Many of us in situations and circumstances of life chase after judgement,vengeance and condemnation instead of salvation and restorationMany have lost precious things including dia very souls because dey sought vengeance for crimes and evils done dem instead of pursuing d purpose of God for dia lives and leaving all else to God
    Don't take it on yourself to repay a wrong. Trust d Lord and He will make it right ( proverb 20:22)
Beloved never avenge yourselves,but leave it to d wrath of God. For it written " vengeance is mine,I will repay, says d Lord"

                 UR BOI


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